Monday 25 June 2007

The Power Within - Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is the creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books and is a motivational speaker and Success Coach.
He was the second speaker of the day and he was really great. I feel like he is one of the speakers I got the most from. I definitely took the most notes while he was talking.

Here is just some of what he said.

Your purpose is to fully express who you are and feel joy. You have a destiny and a path based on your joy and what makes you happy. If you don`t feel joy it is a signal to you that you are off course.

What you are attracted to is telling you where you are evolving to. When you achieve a level of success you get to see something that attracts you to the next level.

Success is a combination lock - if you know the combination the lock has to open. Meditate, feel good, get up early, be in action.

The goal is to achieve success by taking the short route - further and faster with less effort. This is possible! One hour of inner work is worth 7 hours of outer work so do your inner work.

Jack Canfield wrote a book called The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. He shared some of his principles with us in the conference.

Take 100% responsibility for your life and your results. Give up all: blaming, complaining, justifying, defending, excuse making.

Focus on what you want. Live in the present in a state of joy and focus on where you want to go.
Follow your inner guidance. You have to give up all of your excuses and find a way.

Events + Response = Outcome
It isn`t what people say to you but what you choose to make of it that matters. If someone insults you, do you choose to believe them and internalize it or do you choose to not believe them and stand in your own truth and power. Most people choose to blame the event and not their own response. Inner work is more difficult than outer work thus 1 hour of inner work is the same as 7 hours of outer work. Taking responsibility is freeing and empowering.

Response = Thoughts
Thought is an energy that has power. This has been studied and proven over and over. When you are dishonest and lie (even to yourself) you leave your integrity and weaken yourself. Focus on the positive and you focus on strength. Surround yourself with good people and good energy. Whatever image you put into your head and see clearly, your body will do. See goals as complete - general or specific. Spend 15 minutes a day visualizing. The brain takes 25 - 30 uninterrupted days to create a new neural pathway.

The decisions that you make in powerful moments will be reinforced by the emotion around it. We all remember where we were when 9/11 happened. In emotional moments think good things. Body posture is also very important.

Attraction ends in the word action. Attraction is inspired action. Expanded creativity is the ideas that seemingly come out of nowhere. Once you have cleared your mind of the negative, you are open to the flow of positive energy and can see the inspired action and expanded creativity that is always inside of you. They are there whether you see them or not. Possibilities, opportunities, hugs, healing, wealth, ideas.

Speak affirmations - I am happily depositing my $100 000.00 royalty cheque for Cooptown.

Daily Disciplines
* morning intention - visualize your day going well, set your intention for the day - release any negative feelings
* use external images to keep you focused
* think a better feeling thought. notice your thoughts, do they make you feel bad - then think a better feeling thought
* have an attitude of gratitude - NOW
* take action - obvious and inspired action
* let your joy or non-joy guide you
* act as if it works

Stay motivated with the Masters. Read, study, explore, seek out those who are successful and learn how they got there. Invest in yourself and be a student forever. Keep learning.

Jack Canfield Website

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