Sunday 29 July 2007

I'm nearly a genius!

I took an IQ test yesterday. One of those free online ones that I generally would ignore but a friend sent it to me and I thought "Why not". I didn't take it as seriously as I could have because I didn't feel like investing a lot into it. There were some questions that would have required me to write things down and really think about the answer but I just couldn't be bothered so I'd just try my best guess.

Well I scored 129 and got this write up.....
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace.

This rang pretty true for me, I do love patterns and formulas and am good at spotting and analyzing them. And I really enjoy it too. I actually have no clue what IQ numbers are or what they mean so 129 meant nothing to me. I was all excited about being a visual mathematician so I called JM and told him about it and he told me that 129 is above average intelligence. Whew.

Well I googled IQ Scores to see if he was just being nice to me and found out that 129 is the number directly on the fence between superior intelligence and very superior intelligence. It puts me in the top 6.7% of the population. Look at me go!!

Alright, now having said all that, I know that you can't really put too much value on an IQ test. They are pretty skewed and biased from what I've heard. But still, it's fun to think that I have very superior intelligence. I always knew I was smart but very superior is a fun new category to be in!

Here is the test I took if you feel like trying it yourselves. Have fun!

Ok, just for fun, I did the same test again and got 129 but this time I am a Word Warrior. I am so well rounded. LOL
Here's my Word Warrior write up....
Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas.

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