Monday 12 November 2007

Wedding on the way!

I have had to figure out new ways to type lately. Cooper has learned that there is the perfect amount of space between the keyboard and the edge of the desk for him to lie down. It blocks most of my view of the keyboard and restricts my arm movements as he likes to use my forearms as pillows or as blockers for the sunlight. He will press his face into my arm and sleep away. He is actually here right now. My right arm is supporting his tail and my left arm is blocking the light for him. He is purring away and I've got no heart for shooing him away.

On to other news though, my sister LT got engaged! She and Jdub had the two families over for dinner on Friday night and announced to all of us that they are engaged. Yay! We love Jdub and I'm pretty confident his family loves LT....who I guess will become Ldub soon.

They have planned everything already too, which is pretty fun. They will be getting married next July in a very small, intimate ceremony with immediate family and closest friends. It's perfect.

Weddings are one of those crazy, hard events to plan because how do you figure out who to invite. I have always known that I want to have a small wedding but how do you exclude people you love without hurting their feelings. I have a pretty big extended family and with my parents being divorced and remarried, it just gets bigger. If I invited my whole family, that would be 39 people. That's just my side and not including dates for the single people. I want my entire wedding to be a max of 50 people which would leave my fiance only 11 people to invite, except that I still haven't added my friends to that list of 39. So actually my husband doesn't get to have anyone there.

Two of my closest friends got married recently and I wasn't a part of either wedding. They both opted to keep it small and intimate and I didn't mind at all. I was just so happy for both of them and I got to see them after the fact and hug them and congratulate them. My other best friend has been engaged for a while and is feeling the pressure of planning a wedding and dreading the stress that it will entail. I'm all for small or eloping.


Anonymous said...

hehe tell Lisa congrats (or actually i can email and tell her myself) and that if i'm not invited that's totally cool and ok. If it's intimate and small save it for the really close friends and family; the rest of us can just throw a party for her before or afterwards. :)

Anonymous said...

so yea i'm not sure if cousins are immediate family or not anyway. :S

Anonymous said...

Oops ... sorry for all the comments here Karli. But yea I think the best way to not hurt peoples' feelings is just to post like this and communicate what it is you're trying to do.

I think most people will be supportive and realise that hey, if I don't know my cousin as well as someone else, that the person they know better will be invited instead of me. It's not meant to be a diss or slight at me; it's just the reality of a situation.

I think if a wedding is really small you don't have to invite all the cousins, unless you're really close. Some people might not feel that way and get hurt, but as long as you're kind about it and aren't intending to be hurtful, I think it's ok. You can just suggest that you all meet together for a wedding shower or party some other time, and that you still care about family and stuff.

I dunno. Maybe I just wouldn't be as hurt by it, knowing that I only see Lisa once or twice a year. I wouldn't be bothered by not being to her wedding. If it was my brother on the other hand ... then I'd be hurt. Cuz we're closer.

At any rate take care! I'll ttyl.